Legacy Health

Legacy Health

Male fertility company founded at Harvard, backed by world-leading investors and with a 100% Glassdoor score. Learn more



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Legacy, a startup founded in 2018 at the Harvard Innovation Lab, is revolutionizing the field of male fertility. The company aims to simplify and modernize the process of understanding, improving, and protecting male fertility by eliminating the need for traditional physician visits. Legacy serves men who are proactive about their reproductive health, particularly those who are planning for future fatherhood or facing fertility challenges.

Operating in the fertility market, Legacy addresses a significant need: male fertility issues contribute to nearly half of all fertility problems faced by couples. The company offers a comprehensive sperm analysis service that examines over 100 data points in each semen sample. This rigorous testing ensures reliable and actionable results, empowering men with the information they need to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.

Legacy's business model is direct-to-consumer. Clients can order a kit online, collect their sample at home, and send it back to Legacy for analysis. The results are then delivered through a secure online dashboard, making the process both private and convenient. Additionally, Legacy offers sperm storage services, allowing men to preserve their healthiest sperm for future use.

The company generates revenue through the sale of its analysis kits and storage services. By providing these services directly to consumers, Legacy bypasses traditional medical channels, offering a more accessible and cost-effective solution for male fertility management.

Legacy is supported by an advisory board of international fertility and healthcare experts, ensuring that their methodologies and services are grounded in the latest scientific research. This expert backing further enhances the credibility and reliability of their offerings.

Keywords: male fertility, sperm analysis, sperm storage, direct-to-consumer, reproductive health, fertility challenges, home testing, Harvard Innovation Lab, fertility market, healthcare innovation.

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